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Real case.

Real solution.

Cool prizes.

Make it work.

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About the Challenge:

Looking for a challenge that will allow you to showcase your skills and creativity with the Unreal Engine? Look no further! Join us in developing business solutions that will truly unleash your potential and make a difference in the world. 

With Unreal Engine, you have the power to create applications and prototypes that can be transferred to our daily lives.

Choose one of THREE DIFFERENT AREAS where your solution can significantly improve the client experience: 

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Real Estate


  • 30-60 second video with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080

Use case description:

  • Imagine working with a prestigious real estate company that specialises in selling buildings and entire floors to be used as offices

Our suggestions: 

  • Visualise your commercial building inside - offices, spaces and work stations, meeting rooms, training rooms, cafeteria, etc.

  • Demonstrate interiors with furniture and other details - from plants to pictures 

  • Generate interactive experiences with furniture designs: change colours, display different images on screens, adjust lighting

  • Add characters interacting with each other

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  • 30-60 second video with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080

Use case description:

  • Imagine working with a prestigious real estate company that specialises in selling buildings and entire floors to be used as offices

Our suggestions: 

  • Visualise your commercial building inside - offices, spaces and work stations, meeting rooms, training rooms, cafeteria, etc.

  • Demonstrate interiors with furniture and other details - from plants to pictures 

  • Generate interactive experiences with furniture designs: change colours, display different images on screens, adjust lighting

  • Add characters interacting with each other

Real Estate

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  • 30-60 second video with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080

Use case description:

  • Imagine working with a well-known iGaming company that specialises in developing games commonly found in a casino, such as roulette, blackjack, and slot machines

Our suggestions: 

  • Visualise entering a casino

  • Recreate a casino environment -  lights, setting, decoration, sounds, etc.

  • Demonstrate a game play for one of the games - roulette, blackjack, slot machines

  • Add characters interacting with each other

Our jury team:

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Manuel Fernandez-Utrilla Miguel
General Manager at Ciklum Malaga 
Noelia Alarcón Sánchez 
Employer Brand Specialist 
Javier Jurado Gámez
Unreal Authorized Instructor by Epic Games
David Bueno Vallejo
Professor at the University of Malaga
Alina Skrypachova 
Graphic & Web-designer at Ciklum
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Rules and submissions

  • You can participate either individually or as a team.

  • Registration is open by 23:59h April 17th, 2023. 

  • You have four weeks to develop your solution - from April 18th to May 12th 2023. Submit your video for the assessment before 23:59h May 12th 2023. Links for the upload will be shared individually with participants/teams by the org team. 

  • For specific cases, the jury might additionally ask for the code to ensure detailed assessment of the provided solution. 

  • Two winning entries will be awarded a prize of 500 EUR and awesome swag.

  • Ciklum may offer employment opportunities to the candidates selected by the jury.

  • Join our Discord channel to stay updated and in touch with the organisers.

  • Please read the Official Rules for all the details including a complete list of submission guidelines, steps of winner selection, and more.

  • The winners will be announced by a qualified jury on the week of 18-25th May

We Are Ciklum
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We are

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Since 2002, we’ve engineered technology that redefines industries and shapes the way we live



offices globally

clients reached IPO stage


seasoned like-minded experts globally


client domains: healthcare, fintech, travel, sportswear, entertainment, security

Registration is closed

You can find more opportunities here:

  • Group 82

© 2023 by Ciklum. All rights reserved. 

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