Principal Front-End Lead at Ciklum
May, 15
17:00 (CET)
signals in JS
Tomas Rezac

Why is this topic hot?
The fact that many FE frameworks have recently implemented Signals to their core triggered a lot of interest in them. The first hype is whether Signals should be part of the JS ecosystem. If you want to be in the picture and understand what signals are and why they are so tempting and problematic simultaneously, this event is for you.
Join us, learn, and discuss.

Here's what you'll discover:
What Signals are
How they differ from other reactive patterns
How to implement a simple version of Signals
What TC39 Signals proposal can bring to JS
Are Signals the correct pattern for solving common JS issues?
Experience - Angular lead developer and UX enthusiast
Interested in and contributing to Svelte ecosystem for past few years
Running several side projects as https://palette.rocks/ or newly ttps://sugar-css.com
Tomas Rezac
Principal Front-End Lead at Ciklum
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This event will be interesting for Middle+ JavaScript developers